Sunday, 28 June 2009

Birthday Bagging

It was my 40th on 25 June so as a special treat I took Friday off to bag some trig pillars. Some may see this as sad, some liberated. Let's not go there!

Anyway, I got Ingsdon Burn first which was a lovely hike up and spectacular views.

oh, and I had a funny minute or two with the camera to prove I was there...

Next then was Bowden which would have been OK if the local farmer(s) hadn't popped it in the middle of a built-up hedge and surrounded it with barbed wire

Never mind; I got close.

And then, lastly, one on the way home, Little Haldon.

Three in one day can't be bad can't it?

Friday, 19 June 2009

Live Long - Be a Land Surveyor

The world's oldest man died today - an ex land surveyor no less. I suspect his longevity is less to do with his occupation and more to do with his life style of not drinking, smoking, soup and sea food. Perhaps we surveyors have something to learn...? Not sure I have the stomach (or will power) for it wink

Talking of food, brussel sprout lovers look away...

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Roof Top RICS

Further to my post last month, the photo as proof!

Cool back-drop eh?

Friday, 12 June 2009

Trig in New South Wales

A mate of mine, who travels far more extensively than I do (which currently isn't hard), recently sent me some photos of a trig in Kiama, New South Wales, Australia. Nicely painted eh?

No, I'm not jealous. Not jealous at all. Of course not...

Thursday, 11 June 2009

You Know You Need a Surveyor

Excellent article in the Independent today on surveyors. And what's even better is that the key example they used was of a droggie; not a land surveyor. There's hope yet!

Monday, 8 June 2009

Mental Mapping

A great story. Do you think they'd lose their car in a multistory carpark too - or is it just me?