On holiday in Monmouthshire dragged the family off to find a local trig pillar, TP6137. This was an easy find with nice views.
Not so good was trying to find TP2148 which was hidden in brambles on the top of the wooded hill. Humph. I would have investigated further but (a) the kids weren't in suitable shoes and (b) I had left my machete at home. Next time eh?
Really cool. Reminds me of looking for benchmarks in the midwest of the U.S. Love to be your friend on here.
One of these days I'll get to your part of the world and get a look at one of your trig stations or two. Until then, I'll have to be satisfied with the pictures you post. Most of the tri-stations we have in the States are no where near as substantial, usually only a brass disk set in rock or concrete. Our largest station, the Washington Monument, you may have seen while you were in Washington D.C. It is registered with the U.S. National Geodetic Survey as a triangulation station.
I also hunt for benchmarks, particularly marks set by the N.G.S., but I'm interested in all marks & monuments survey related. It's an occupational hazard. If you're at all interested, many of my finds have been posted on my blog: The California Benchmark Hunter. (http://califbenchmarker.blogspot.com/)
Good on you for getting your kids to come along on your hunts. Mine occasionally do too, but more often than not, I hunt alone, or my wife & kids patiently wait in the car while Dad "goes off tromping through the bushes". It's always my wife who notices my Girls are only wearing sandals.
- Kevin Nehring, PLS (California)
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