Sunday, 17 February 2013

Zero Milestone

Just realised it's nearly 2 months since I last blogged.  I suspect all my readers (singular perhaps) have moved onto other more exciting reads but for the person who is still with me, an update.

Have recently been to Washington DC on business.  For most of it I was variously at the hotel, conference centre, random eatery or somewhere in transit between the above 3.  I could have been anywhere in the USA until our last afternoon when we had a spare evening to go downtown.

We had time to go bag the 'trig' in front of the White House that I'd tried to reach in the summer.  Back then I was turned away due to some security alert or other but this time we could get up close to the Zero Milestone.
13 02 07 Zero milestone
The zero milestone was established as the point from which all road distances in the US would be measured.  If you look closely you can read the wording...
13 02 07 Washington DC
"Point for the measurement of distances from Washington on highways of the United States."

I quite like the fact that congress authorised the determination of latitude and longitude.
13 02 07 Zero milestone
As you may suspect, I wasn't alone on my trip.  Accompanying me were some equally geeky people (they wouldn't admit it) and in total there were 3 Brits, 2 Canadians and one Australian.  Spot which one is the Australian?
13 02 07 Washington DC

1 comment:

Alex Reading said...

Having stood in the same spot only 6 months previously, peering at the White House like millions of others, I had no idea I had my back to the Zero Milestone. So thanks for dragging us there!
Time was when I would study every passing wall for a benchmark and scan every horizon for a trig pillar, but in recent years I've stopped doing so, perhaps much to the relief of my wife. Thank you for re-awakening my inner geo-geekery (my wife won't be quite so pleased though...).