Saturday, 29 September 2012

Projections at Boston Logan Airport

Apparently in some lovely corner of Terminal E at Boston Logan Airport one comes across this beautiful bevy of projections.

With much thanks to our roving report Derek Turner who e-mailed me these last night. The only sad thing is that I didn't take them in person!
12 09 24 Sinusoidal Projection
Haven't heard of this one before. 12 09 24 Icosahedron Gnomonic Projection
Nor this one - but what a whacky shape (just a tad impractical for day-to-day use).
12 09 24 Octant Projection
12 09 24 Homolographic Projection
Ah, an old favourite.
12 09 24 Gnomonic Projection
Complete with Derek's feet.
12 09 24 Sinusoidal Projection and Feet

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