Thursday, 17 May 2007

Galileo, GPS and the New Look Multimap

It's not looking great for Galileo. However, there must be a way to make this work. This cannot turn out to be an EC white elephant. We need this. Just got to find a billion Euros. Now, let me just get my credit card...

GPS is a funny beast. Type GPS into 'google' and you find out everything you ever wanted to know about your local doctor (if you don't get it, don't worry). GPS, digital mapping and people - now there's the real danger. Check out this lady. Or these furious kids?

Not much else to report. Presume the lone walrus is happy being monitored.

Oh, what about the new look multimap? I don't like the zoom feature but perhaps I should be more patient. I need to play with it more.


John said...

Multimap's site was looking rather old, and I'm glad they've updated it. They have obviously learned lessons from Google Maps and Windows Live Local in using AJAX, maximising screen space and so on.

Unfortunately they've lost their biggest plus from my point of view, which was the ability to view 1:50k Ordnance Survey maps. The Google street-only view is very limited, particularly in rural areas.

The Ordnance Survey are particularly rubbish at providing online maps - very small fixed size window, no panning and too many nonsense legal and copyright notices when we pay their salaries and fund their operations!. If any organisation needed a good shakeup...

Ruth said...

John, perhaps I should have you as a guest blogger on this blog! Agree, shame the 1:50K facility has gone. I'm so used to viewing the world that way.

I can feel you gearing up for a Free Our Data post!

John said...

I think we've been there before!

Rog said...

You can view 1:50000 OS maps.