Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Passive and Active

Took the girls for a New Year's treat to Exmouth yesterday. They thought we were just going for a stroll and coffee by the sea front but surely they know me better by now? Our first find was a passive station - otherwise called a bolt in pavement. They were terribly unimpressed as can be seen by the second picture in which they are disowning me by walking off. I suppose it does look a bit odd your mother taking photos of the pavement.
12 01 02 TP0344 - Exmouth Promenade (2)
12 01 02 TP0344 - Exmouth Promenade (1)
The next, again very easy, find was on the old RNLI building. Obviously an active station this time.
12 01 02 TP7642 - Exmouth
The girls had given up and were sat in the car by this stage. I ask you.

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