Saturday, 9 June 2007

Another Government Report

OK, perhaps they're not coming thick and fast out of the UK Government but it was only in April that I read the report on the release of Public Sector Information.

And lo and behold, there's another one. OK, this report focuses more on the application of technology and how this should be used pan-government and, of course, including the general public. At 57 pages on a Saturday evening the Power of Information didn't have my full attention. I'll tackle it again no doubt.

My key question is what happens now? Reports ooze out from government but who is meant to take the next step? And who is accountable for it? Who decides who wins and who loses? [working on my life principle that win-wins don't happen everytime].

The exam papers for the Plymouth University course I am an external examiner for have arrived. So I now have something to keep me out of trouble for a few days. ;)

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